Heel pain is excruciating. It hinders mobility and causes discomfort. The leading cause is an excess deposit of calcium on the heel bone that leads to a bony protrusion on the underside of the bone. Often referred to as policeman's heel in the UK. Naturally, anyone suffering from heel pain should wear shoes that aids the healing process as well … [Read more...]
Is this Amazon foot cream really a miracle?
In this fast paced world where everyone is trying to make their mark and striving hard to achieve success, it has become a norm to remain constantly on our toes. Health care professionals have recognized the value of keeping our feet in good working order. Mobility requires healthy feet and an average person take 7,000 steps a day. However, we … [Read more...]
Does Painting with your feet improve brain function?
Painting art requires a lot of practice, precision, focus and patience. It lets us tap into our creativity and still use our critical aspect to make the right brush stokes. Unconventional painters who paint with their feet are highly skilled and always leave us in amazement of their work and dedication. Their work cannot be differentiated from … [Read more...]
Yes you really can taste garlic through your feet
Amazing Bodies: Tasting The Garlic We Rub On Our Feet How do you taste food? Ask any person this question and they will look at you sideways. Our mouths are specially designed to taste and process the food we eat. So what if we were to say that there is a way you can taste certain foods without ever putting it in your mouth? Surprisingly … [Read more...]
Have European fashionistas found the solution to painful high heels?
Everybody loves a good night out on the tiles from time to time - a few drinks with friends, enjoying a bit of a boogie and breaking out some very questionable moves on the dance floor! But for many ladies (and more than a few gentleman) a sore head isn’t the only thing that they have to contend with the day after the night before… Heels that … [Read more...]